Friday, November 29, 2019

Descriptive Essay Of My Watch Essays - 2CM, , Term Papers

Descriptive Essay of My Watch My article of clothing is with me at all times. It consists of a 3cm circular base and two separate straps, each 6cm long connected by a metal clasp. These two straps and a clasp are then connected to the top and bottom of the base. The straps are outlined in hard rigid silver, looking as my uncle's smoothly brushed gray hair. Through the center of the 2cm wide straps is a 1cm in width gold strip. The gold looks as bright as a gold chalice from my local church. The clasp is a hard silvery gray such as that which borders the straps. The letters 'SEIKO' are clearly placed on the clasp in raised lettering. The clasp looks 3cm long when in the closed position, but when opened it extends to 11cm as two more 4cm metal pieces open outward. The face of the object is encircled with a gold color, gold as the trim on my father's Cadillac. Inside the gold trim, the background is a black color. The black is like the black rubber on my car's Cooper tires. Towards the top of this face, there is a number 12, the bottom has a number 6, and the leftmost number has a number 9. Each of these numbers are raised in lettering in a gold color. On the rightmost side, there is a 1/2cm x 1/5cm sized box. This box is then further separated in two parts. 2/3s of the box is devoted towards showing the current day's first 3 letters, now showing a THU for Thursday. The remaining space of the box is set aside for the date of the month. In this box the number 14 is shown. Both, the day and the date, are in white colors. This white is like a white hospital gown, starched and cleaned. The face of the object has 56 small lines all facing from the outside of the circle towards the middle. These gold lines are equally separated all aro the face of the object. There are 4 places where there is no line, instead a white dot exists. There are 8 more gold lines, very similar except 3 times longer (1/2cm) equally spaced around the face as well, with the exception of the numbers and the small box which are counted as well into the spacing. From the center of the watch are 3 thin strands of golden color rods, just like a strand of goldenrod colored growing wheat. This object has been with me for almost 4 years now, at my side during formal functions and school. Originally as a Confirmation present during Gradeschool, this has been a constant reminder of my past accomplishments and a reminder that God is with me wherever I go. As others see me wear my object, they realize I have style, yet I do not have my object wherever I go for some people may be offended by such an expensive piece. I do enjoy the simplicity of it, there are no special buttons or other such things to confuse its main purpose. The purpose of this object, which is my watch, is to make sure I'm on time for events and occasions. It has done that for 4 years, and will continue to for as long as I keep it.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How Hitler turned a Democratic Germany into a fascist regime essays

How Hitler turned a Democratic Germany into a fascist regime essays Adolf Hitler regarded as many as the most evil person in history, was able to turn a democratic Germany into a fascist regime by supposed legal tactics. But Hitler also used non-legal ways of gaining widespread support throughout Germany. Some of the ways he gained power were: The Reichstag Fire, his SA, (or Storm Troopers), the night of long knives, and the enabling act. The Chancellorship was by no means Hitlers final goal. He intended to become dictator of a Nazified Germany. The first stage of his takeover was he Reichstag elections. On February 24th, Hitlers storm troopers raided Communist headquarters in Berlin. Claiming they had found plans for a Communist uprising, they had actually uncovered a list of members for a communist party, and intended to arrest all 4000 of them. Goring and Gobbels, with Hitlers approval, then hatched a plan to cause havoc with the German people, by burning the Reichstag, and blaming it on the Communists. The Reichstag building was in Berlin, and was where the members of the republic met to conduct the daily business of government. Coincidently, a Dutch born Communist was conducting a one man uprising. An arsonist by the name of Marinus van der Lubbe had been wondering around Berlin for a week trying to burn down government building. On February 27th he happened to set fire to the Reichstag building. At this time, Hitler was at Gobbles apartment having dinner. They rushed to the scene where they met Goring, who was screaming false charges and making threats at the communists. The next morning, at a cabinet meeting, chancellor Hitler demanded an emergency decree to overcome the crisis. He met little resistance from the largely non-nazi cabinet. Later that evening, Hitler went to President Hindenburg, and the befuddled old man signed the decree For the protection of the people and the state. When the March 5th elections were held, the Nazis, polling 44 ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why students should stay in college and graduate Essay

Why students should stay in college and graduate - Essay Example e know that in the coming years, jobs requiring a college degree are projected to grow twice as fast as jobs requiring no college experience," Obama said. "We will not fill those jobs or even keep those jobs here in America without the training offered by colleges." Statistical research also demonstrates that a person who goes to college usually earns more than a person who doesn’t, as median earnings for full-time workers more than 25 years old increased by over $20,000 for people who have college degrees vs. those who only have a high school diploma. Considering these facts, the necessity for students to stay in and graduate from college is imperative. Even with statistical research clearly demonstrating the need for students to stay in and graduate from college, the opportunity for increased quality of life cannot be underestimated. In my own life, I can see the challenges my father has faced. Since he lacked a college degree his career options were limited and needed to work many labor intensive jobs, including construction, to become financially established. His situation can be contrasted with that of my mother who attained a Bachelor of Arts Degree. She was able to attain a position as a teacher and make a comparable salary to my father with less and arguably more rewarding work. While a college degree clearly offers increased career and salary options, it also is a chance to achieve personal betterment. Through the college experience students gain knowledge about the world that can help them find greater appreciation in art and culture. The opportunity to be exposed to and learn about unique cultures makes one more open-minded and accepting of different people and ideas. In conclusion, the necessity to attend and graduate from college is overwhelmingly clear. Statistical research demonstrates that people will college degrees have increased earning potential. Graduating from college also affords the chance to find a less strenuous and more fulfilling

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Exampaper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Exampaper - Essay Example Irigaray, Nozick and Delaney have attempted to articulate this idea in more modern terms. However, William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116 presents this concept quite eloquently. The idea that love can have a somewhat illusory nature was put forward by Rorty when she used Spinoza’s to help illustrate her concept. She argued that indulging in fantasy and unrealistic expectations of love are potentially dangerous because they distort our perception of love. Instead of an authentic experience, idolatrous love offers an illusion. Over the centuries humanity has developed certain romanticized ideas of idealized male and female roles in relation to romantic love. Simone de Beauvoir and Marilyn Friedman, in particular, discuss the dangers of such romantic ideology and their relation to male chauvinism. We live in an increasingly â€Å"cyberized† world. The Internet and social media have allowed â€Å"cyber-relationships† to become increasingly more frequent. However, Zygmunt Bauman and Hubert Dreyfus underscore the need for traditional, face-to-face interactions in building more lasting and exclusive relationships. They warn that online relationships run a very high risk of more ephemeral and promiscuous interactions, precluding lasting and substantial relationships from developing. Montaigne presents the idea that a perfect friendship emphasizes as an essential aspect of the friendship. He goes further to describe such a friendship as one characterized by such unconditional openness and trust that each individual’s need is met by the other. However, Montaigne is careful to distinguish such an ideal from homosexual love. Possible modern interpretations of this â€Å"perfect friendship† could be the ideas of â€Å"bromance† and â€Å"womance† that have become more prevalent nowadays. Touch is one of the most concrete ways in which we express love and affection for one another. Although sexual intimacy is

Monday, November 18, 2019

Essay depends on "Drinking Coffee Elsewhere"

Depends on "Drinking Coffee Elsewhere" - Essay Example Packer’s characters also learned to change their perceptions in relation to the people and the world with those experiences. The theme of loss of innocence indicates how the increase in knowledge about the world impacts the character and his/her personality. Packer has used Loss of innocence as the central theme in her short stories ‘Brownies’ and ‘Speaking in Tongues’. This paper will analyze how the author has characterized loss of innocence in these stories to influence the readers. The selected two stories based on loss of innocence are ‘Brownies’ and ‘Speaking in Tongues’. In ‘Brownies’, the author wants to show that anger and hatred that developed in the black and white races had no origin rather each of them did not even know why they hate others. They just show to the world what they see, observe and experience. In the story ‘Speaking in Tongues’, the author has shown how the main character lost her innocence due to pressurized sexual experience at a very young age. ZZ Packer projected loss of innocence in her stories as a transition from childhood to adulthood without any relation to gender, religion or culture. ‘Brownies’ is a story focusing on racial segregation and prejudice that existed between white and black Americans. The author showed that the girls in both troops were innocent but when they watched the behaviors of others around them their perception changed, and that’s where the loss of innocence is applied in the story. The black girls’ troop identified that the white girls’ troop called them names based on racism. The author showed in her text that the white girls did not even know why they hate the black girls or abuse them. It was rather their surrounding that made them think negative and misbehave with the black Americans. Similarly, the black girls found out that the troop of white girls also consisted of some ‘delayed learners’ who were

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The History Of The Social Welfare Sociology Essay

The History Of The Social Welfare Sociology Essay This assignment is going to discuss the roles and purpose of British welfare state. This assignment will look at what welfare state is and the problems which society faced in the past century about the poor people. Also, the first administrative unit of Britain alongside with how poor law passed and the beverage report. This assignment is based on roles and purpose of welfare state. The United Kingdom welfare state was established in 1942 by William Beverage due to the Second World War which caused social problems to the British citizens. The Government stepped forward as to provide for its people by introducing Welfare State as a way of controlling these problems. Welfare state is a response to social problems whereby government undertakes the responsible to safeguard the health and well-being of its people, particularly those in financial or social need, by means of grants, pensions, and other benefits (Leistering Walker, 1998). It is based on the principals of equal opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth and public responsibilities of people that lack provision for a good life. The origin of the welfare state was from the 16th century. Britain expected the worst when the Second World War broke up in 1939. Due to war many people were affected by social problems such as poverty and many lost their jobs which resulted in high unemployment. The majority of the people were living in overcrowded poor housing facilities such as (slums) because council houses were not enough. Diseases were spreading because of lack of clean water, and sick people could not have money to seek treatment and this resulted in many people dying. Due to these events the government policy brought a change towards the care that was provided for the people. Welfare legislation was developed to make sure that everyone had access to quality of life due to the world war (Spicker, 2012). The idea of the Elizabeth law was based on the plan that the government was in charge on administration and control of poor relief. Elizabeth government realised that they would create some system to support people. Parish was the first basic administrative unit in Britain to take responsibility for the people who were poor and also had control to force people to pay a local tax to assist the poor. People who could not work such as old people and disabled were provided with accommodation in parish houses and also given money called the outdoor relief. However, this caused an impact on the increase of the cost of poor relief. The outdoor relief pay which was given to assist the poor in tough times and by doing this it was regarded as encouraging workers to remain inactive undermining the 19th century principles of thrift and hard work (Frohman, 2008). It was also argued that that the poor law encouraged the growth of poverty (Spicker, 2012). In 1834 a new Poor Law was introduced. People assumed that it was a good idea and they welcomed it thinking that it would lessen the cost of looking after the poor. People thought that beggars were going to be taken off the streets and for those people who were poor they were going to be encouraged to look after themselves. This poor law encouraged people to be independent and to help themselves by making ends meet. The new Poor Law ensured that those poor people who were housed in workhouses were getting some assistants in terms of clothing, food and money .Children were offered schooling when they entered the workhouse. In return for this care, all workhouse paupers would have to work for several hours each day. However, these workhouses were a system of encouraging poor people to work. The new poor law also help children who entered the work house to be educated it also ensure that the less privilege to get house in return. In reaction, the poor law of 1834 introduced a poor relief which imposed the principle of less eligibility. This new system act took a much harsher line towards help for the poor people whereby strict rules and regulations were put in place for people to follow (Harris, 2004). Families were separated and were not allowed to see each other. The Law stated that no healthy person was to be given money or other help from the Poor Law authorities except for people in a workhouse, and the unemployed benefits was to be provided as a last resort. Conditions in the workhouse were deliberately made harsh, in the hope that the poor would move out and seek work elsewhere (Hothersall Bolger, 2010). The new welfare state gradually replaced the 20th century the poor law. During 1906 a liberal government was elected and introduce some reforms.1n 1908 an old age pension came to existence which allow pension to be given to people over 70s, from 1925 pension were paid to men that is over 65 and to women over 60. The national insurance act was passed in 1911 and all employees were made to contribute from their wage and the aim was to build and also for every worker who felt sick was entitled to free treatment were given to every worker that feel sick. The contributions were to help the workers in future in situations when they become ill or out of work. In 1920 the scheme was extended to most people but not all work houses became unnecessary and then poor law was abolished. Top of Form Bottom of Form In 1941 an enquiry was established to plan how best it can be to shape up the welfare state. Beveridge held the opportunity as to start again the script, and then redesigned the contours of British welfare. By accident the report of the publication of his report was delayed and was produced in November 1942. Although largely a creation of ideas including Beveridges which had been around for some it was a successful to tackle social problems such as the five giants. In 1942 William beverage prepared a report called the Beveridge regarding the welfare of the individuals on how the government could help people in poverty and also to reduce inequality. This report focused on how the government should find ways of fighting the five Giant Evils of Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness which was caused by world war. The government was committed to provide care for the people of Britain to ensure that everyone had quality of life. The 1942 Beveridge report started in the introduction of welfare state, and involved the main changes and these included the national insurance based on 3 assumptions such as family allowance, National Health Service and full employment. The welfare state was produced to promote the provision of services for the public not only a response to poverty. Implementing Beveridge was immediately seen as part of winning the peace and also served as the blue print for the British welfare state (Hothersall Bolger, 2010). In 1945 when labour government was elected new services were introduced by the labour government and these included family allowances (Laybourn, 1995) and this created debates regarding the welfare state within current governments. The government introduced the Education Act 1944 which tackled lack of schooling. The 1946 National Health Act was concerned with improving the quality of health among the population. The 1946 National Insurance Act was created to cover all personal risks such as unemployment and illness. The NHS started operating and it provided a service to the population at a low cost. The 1945 Housing 1948 labour government extended the social security and a program of free medical care, Housing, Education and the Welfare of the Children. The National Assistance Act 1948 means- tested for people in lower income below a standard set by government and for unemployed people. The 1948 Children Act was also another important element. After 1948 the key elements of the welfa re state was understood as social security, Health, Housing, Education and welfare of children (Lowe, 2005). In the 1950 the government took over and slashed the help which was given to the poor and the sick. This created the provision of welfare state services to become more problematic and the interventions of the government caused further problems on that time. This then made the distribution of income more imbalanced and although they attempted to make the poor more hardworking and self sufficient it didnt work. The rolling back the state was revolved around the need to cut public spending as a way of reducing impact on public affair. Thatcher (1979-97) promised to reduce taxes and to lower the level of public spending and less state intervention. Thatcher opposed a welfare system and the welfare state began to break down resulted in retreat for housing and pension. The conservative government discouraged individuals and families from relying on the welfare state and promoted business and private enterprise. The Conservative changed the balance of welfare expenditure towards health and social security at the expense of education and housing. Thatcher revolution was less radical and the welfare spending remained stationary between the late (1970). Thatcher stated that welfare spending was weighing down the international competitiveness and also creating a dependency culture which also was supported by the government and acted to cut back the welfare state (Clasen, 2003). They were some cut back in Housing such as in building, maintenance and subsidization, as a way of driving up local authority rent levels (Maclennan Gibb, 1990). In Social Security welfare bills were introduced by cutting entitlements such as Unemployment Benefit and people were pushed on to means-tested support (Clasen, 2003). Under Child Support Scheme absent parents were required to contribute towards the child maintenance as a way of serving some of the welfare state money. The conservative government regarded NHS as a burden on the economy despite being popular since 1980 and was named as the internal market. As a result the NHS and Community Act were created in (1990) and introduced so many changes. This act recommended the introduction of a split for t hose who purchase the service and those who provide the services. The aim for that was to control costs and make the system more open to patients (Propper, et al. 2008). When new labour came into office in 1997 and welfare remained in the top priority. Welfare reform was a new labour agenda which led to a change on the welfare state. Regardless of Conservative critics of the welfare, new labour argued that new welfare policies were needed to improve poverty, inequality, health and education. The main aim of labour was to develop the NHS by rebuilding it and also promote choice for the patients and also free of charge. However, the white paper was published and health reforms were discussed which led to the Health Act (1999). This new policy brought change and encouraged cooperation and partnership between NHS and other care providers and it abolished the internal markets which were introduced by the Conservative government. Labour introduced the Welfare -to-work a policy for employment aiming at helping people to work and support themselves especially young people, single parents and those out of work. Another issue was to tackle the social exclusion of underprivileged people who had no access income and also to social institution. Those people from poorer families in work were to get benefits increase through Tax Credits. Labours approach was to try to cut down the amount of child and pensioner poverty (Baldock, Mitton, Manning Vickerstaff, 2012). After 2010 the welfare state was identified by the incoming of the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition there was change in the areas such as: healthcare, schools and social security. In conclusion the welfare state was developed due to the number of factors contributed by world war such as unemployment, sickness and poverty. Top of Form

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay on Chaucers Canterbury Tales - Greed in the Pardoner’s Tale

The Pardoner’s Greed    The pardoner, in Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Pardoner’s Tale, is a devious character.   He is a man with a great knowledge of the Catholic Church and a great love of God. However, despite the fact that he is someone whom is looked at with respect at the time, the pardoner is nothing more than an imposter who makes his living by fooling people into thinking he forgives their sins, and in exchange for pardons, he takes their money.   His sermon-like stories and false relics fool the people of the towns he visits and make him seem as a plausible man, which is exactly what the pardoner wants.   In fact, the pardoner is an avaricious and deceitful character whose driving force in life is his motto, â€Å"Radix malorum est cupiditas,† which is Latin for â€Å"greed is the root of evil.†Ã‚   The pardoner’s entire practice is based upon his motto and is motivated entirely by greed. The pardoner is supposed to forgive sins, however, he views his position as a scheme to make money and turns it into a fraud.   His excellent speaking skills allow him to turn this profession into a scam.   He attracts the people with his storytelling and his sermons, which are pleasing to them, â€Å"By God, I hope I shal yow telle a thyng / That shal by reson been at youre liking,† (457-58).   One example of a sermon about his motto is the tale of the three rioters.   This tale gives an ironic explanation related to the rioters deaths, due to greed and the pardoners practice of his profession, which is also driven by greed (Rossignol, 267).   He tells the people what they would like to hear, so that he may pull them into his trap and later cheat them out of their money.   His technique to fooling people is to preach on the subject of   â€Å"Radix malorum est c... ...iving.   The pardoner submits himself to his theme of â€Å"Radix malorum est cupiditas.† His theme becomes a reality and he   allows avarice to take control his life.   Just as Jesus lived life living into eternal life, the pardoner lives his life dying into eternal death by committing his avaricious acts and deceiving people in the name of God.   Works Cited Brewer, Derek.  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"The Canterbury Tales.† An Introduction to Chaucer.   New York:      Longman Inc., 1984 Hussey, S. S.  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"The Canterbury Tales II.† Chaucer: An Introduction.   New York: Methuen & Co., 1981 Pichaske, David R.  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Pardoner’s Tale.† The Movement of the Canterbury Tales: Chaucer’s Literary Pilgrimage.   New York:   Norwood Editions, 1977 Rossignol, Rosalyn.  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"The Pardoner’s Tale.†Ã‚   Chaucer A to Z: The Essential Reference to His Life and Works.  Ã‚   New York:   Facts On File, Inc., 1999

Monday, November 11, 2019

Policies Introduced in the Past 25 Years Related to Education

Over the past 25 years, different policies have been put in place to influence the education system in different ways. Some sociologist would say that the main aim of these policies were to result in the marketization of the education system. Other sociologist would disagree; they believe that trying to create less inequality was the main intention when It comes to the educational reform. When the New Labour came to power, it seemed that policies they were in favour of were more aimed towards trying to create less inequality of different schools.One policy The New Labour introduced was free places in nurseries, this would ensure children from all backgrounds started educational development early and started to gain skills needed to start school. This would also give working class parents a chance to go out and work whilst their child is at nursery. They also introduced ‘Educational Action Zones’ these areas of deprivation were giving extra funding in order to lessen the inequality between these schools in worse areas to the schools in better areas.This is trying to give people of worse financial areas a better chance to gain access to good schools, and not just be limited to worse performing schools just because they live in a poorer area. They also introduced The EMA award, this was to try and get pupils to stay on in education past ages 16 (college, sixth form, apprenticeships etc. ) because if the pupils parent earned below a certain amount then the child would be entitled to ? 30 a week to help them with any costs that staying on in education may have.Although this may be contradicted by the inequalities that have been put in place by the steep rises in fees for universities, this has meant that working class pupils are at a disadvantage in comparison with the middle class. Previous to this; the conservative government introduced new right policies which are viewed as trying to create a market place out of the education system. They introduced several policies in order to force different schools in to competing with each other; this would then result in schools doing better.They aimed to create a parentocracy, where parents had much more choice when it came to schools for their children, they were able to choose which school they wanted their child to attend, rather than it being dependant on catchment areas like it was previously. This would result in schools upping their standards to gain pupils and ensure that parents would pick their school, funding was changed to be dependent on the amount of pupils a school had. By doing better than ther schools, more pupils would want to attend and result in more funding for the school, benefitting them and then helping them to improve further. Although, in order to rank schools against each other, there would have to be a system in place, so league tables were introduced and schools had to sit SATs and GCSE exams, the results were ranked in the league tables and parents could look through different schools to see where they were placed and pick the best school for their child, much like a market place.OFSTED were also introduced to monitor and inspect schools, they would review the schools standards in several different categories giving a report to be viewed in order to judge the school as a whole and give parents a wider range of data on the schools, giving them more understanding and a better basis to choose which school they would like their child to attend. These policies meant that standards for schools rose as they competed against each other and parents had a greater understanding of schools and had more freedom when it came to choice.On the other hand, it did also create problems, because the better schools got more funding and pupils, the worse schools weren’t able to get the funding they needed to improve which meant the gap between schools achievement became wider as the better schools got better and the worse schools became worse off this created greater inequality. Schools also started to exclude students that would affect their results in the league tables, this also created inequality.These inequalities may have been the reason for the new labour’s aim to wipe out the inequality because there was so much created. Overall, The Conservative party and New Labour both introduced new policies to the education system; the conservative was more aimed towards creating a market in the education system, whilst new labour strived to wipe out inequality in the system and tackle the issue of poverty. Although this being said, the new labour may have created more competition in the system by introducing faith and specialist schools.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Guide on Business Studies Essay Writing Write Extensively and Neatly

Guide on Business Studies Essay Writing Write Extensively and Neatly Business matters is a central pillar of today’s globalized society a person has to solve various issues and make decisions. With the economic progress, the importance of knowledge on Business has become much more crucial in relation to the past era. This is a digital era, and the presence of top 10 richest companies in the world in 2018 means that people are interested in studying Business from all angles. Business Studies is a subject that involves knowledge from different fields like Sociology, Political Science, Psychology, Mathematics, Statistics, and Law. Sounds difficult to get a grasp on all these aspects in a written form? This article is designed to improve your Business Studies essay writing skills immensely. In what way? You just read all the information given here, then you’ll know all ins and outs of Business Studies essay writing. The List of 10 Business Topics from Our Business Studies Experts To be excellent in essay writing on Business, you should be aware of topics that will guarantee you success. How to choose effective business topics? It’s a childs play. What does every child choose to play with? Anything that interests you. Within Business Studies, there is a variety of topics you can write an essay on. Find anything that is interesting to you personally. Even if you are more interested in a topic than the others (for example, your professor), it isn’t the worst way of starting to protect your interests as a potential researcher. Moreover, you will be able to reveal your own potential more if a topic is an area of your interest than you’ll try to work on a particular topic chosen by your instructor’s restriction. Anything that leads to significant discoveries. If your efforts to write a good business essay don’t pay any dividends, will you be totally satisfied? Moreover, neither you or your educator wouldn’t be glad to achieve the common results that got by someone from another university previously. You should explore a business topic that will cross new boundaries in the area. Going to work on the topic, ‘The Amount of Apple’s Business: Its Long-Term or Short-Term Evaluation’? Think twice whether you will be able to open new findings as the most are written about the success of this really outstanding company. Anything that is insightful. As every researcher needs to establish himself/herself as a scientist of great insight and creativity, you should stick to the same strategy give insight into your Business topic area on a full scale. Show in your Business essay writing that you understand a topic is really like. For that reason, you need to distinguish between broad and narrow essay topics. Compare the following topics: ‘Business in the 21st Century’ and ‘The Features of Business Development in the 21st Century: Its Weaknesses at Every Stage’. Find a general topic? So, don’t forget to include the information that will make your essay topic more specific and provide you with a clue of what and how to write. For a field like business, the following 10 essay topics correspond to the criteria and even more. Just look at them, and choose anything new, interesting and educational for yourself. The Value on Leadership or Other Qualitative Aspects of a Business Company; 10 Remedies for the Breach of Contract: How Are They Effective for Business Today; Global Economic Activities: Their Impact on Running a Small and Large Business Company; Top 12 Business Models Existing Today: The Perspectives of Their Further Usage; 7 Individual’s Actions Applied to Business Ethics and Unethical Business Practices; Business Policy Makers: Who Works in the Field of Business Management and Entrepreneurship; Strategic Decisions in a Fast-Growing and Networked World: Determinants and Effects; What Should Every Entrepreneur Know about a Startup Algorithm?; The Sources of Motivation Among Business Workers: Material Support or Words of Encouragement; The Nature of Business Competition: What Makes Customers Decide? The Detailed Business Essay Writing Guide Based on the ‘Empire-Building’ Dealing with Business Studies, you can’t go without such a concept as ‘empire-building’. According to Investopedia, it is an attempt to increase the individual’s or corporations power and influence. Let’s imagine you are an ‘empire builder’ of your business essay you’ll intend to grow your business essay’s power. What should you do in such a responsible role? Firstly, you’d better divide the whole writing process into segments pre-writing, writing, and post-writing. Secondly, you should take into consideration all our business studies essay tips at each writing stage. Thirdly, you can make practice your essay writing by trying to write as many essays as possible according to business essays written by our professionals. 3 Pre-Writing Tips Being at the prewriting stage, you come up with some ideas for an essay before you begin writing. You will find it easier to write a business studies essay if you: Brainstorm. This word literally contains 2 words ‘brain’ and ‘storm’. It means that you need to cause a storm for your brain. Get all your thoughts and ideas out of your head. Sometimes, you can be at loss of giving fresh ideas. Therefore, it is no shame if you address someone’s works to develop your own brilliant ideas by adding a few details. Freewrite. Now, it’s time to get all your thoughts out on paper in full. Freewriting is similar to brainstorming, but you expand all the points with the help of new details. Writing complete sentences doesn’t mean to pay too much attention to grammar, punctuation, and the like everything that can distract your concentration should be far from your mind while freewriting. Use mind mapping. There is such a useful technique for extremely visual learners. According to the Forbes’ article, there are some variations in the speed and manner of how people learn new information. But we all obtain more information through our eyes than in any other way. A mind mapping diagram has a central word in a circle, with all associated words around. 4 Writing Tips for Business Studies Essay Now that you have chosen a business topic and gathered the essay ideas, you must start writing it. Keep in mind that college/university essays are more formulaic than you might think. In fact, it can be as simple as twice two makes four only if you follow all our tips. Create a thesis statement. What is the point of your business essay? Look at your outline or diagram and answer this question. Include a topic and point of an essay in a thesis statement. For example, if you were writing about the leadership styles and their impact on business performance, an appropriate thesis statement would be, â€Å"The leadership styles affect the business performance either positively or negatively according to the individual strategic vision.† Write a body of an essay. The main part of your essay is aimed at analyzing, arguing, explaining or describing your topic depending on the type of essay you write. Develop an introduction. When the thesis and body of your essay are written, it is much easier to write an introduction as you need to show the focus of the whole essay in several sentences. Write the information that ties in with your thesis statement, which will be included as the last sentence of your introduction. Conclude your essay logically. Eventually, you’ve come to the closure of your essay topic. Sum up the ideas mentioned in the business essay in 4-5 strong sentences without presenting any new information. In this way, you are supposed to reinforce your thesis statement with the help of essential conclusions. 2 Post-Writing Tips Polish your written essay. Remember that good essay writing does not happen by accident. Even if you are an experienced author of many pieces of writing, you are recommended to look through your business essay again and again. You should be 100% sure that it is worth to be submitted. What to pay attention to? Fix a format of essay writing. In your initial essay instructions, every educator states in what format is required to write APA, MLA, Harvard, etc. Your task is to edit your business essay by taking into consideration some stylistic peculiarities. The differences start appearing at the beginning when you need to deal with a title page, then a bibliography page and so on. Moreover, the correct citing sources of information in the body of your essay is a very important aspect of academic writing. Therefore, you defend yourself against allegations of plagiarism. Besides, there are some academic formatting conventions so that every reader can identify the materials that lead to some particular conclusions. If you find this article useful for your own business essay writing, our professional team is glad. If you feel uncertain about some points, it will be better to apply our essay writing service. Our skilled writers will be happy to help you.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Commune essays

Commune essays communist government. Communism depends on all members of society to work together to achieve one common goal. Because of this, communism tends to be more successful in societies that are small and homogeneous. Party leaders are able to control smaller groups of people with a common background without resorting to tactics of human rights violations to maintain power. Large or geographically diverse populations tend to be diverse, making it difficult to maintain a common goals or set of rules for shared effort and resources. Also, large, diversified societies tend to gravitate towards a system of hierarchy, reducing the perception of fair distribution of work and resources. Systems of hierarchy show sign of class distinction in an otherwise classless society. When a system of hierarchy develops, it tends to destabilize a communistic society. The other factor that influences the success of a communist government is the presence of a strong communist revolutionary leader. Communist systems tend to flourish in the presence of a revolutionary leader. The people have a strong leader in which to rally around during times of hardship or crisis. Also, strong revolutionary leaders are known to take great measures to ensure that the spirit of the revolution lives on. Some of these measures include the use of brutal tactics to defeat groups opposed to the communist rule. Some people tend to underestimate this factor when accounting for the success of failure of communist systems. This factor does not only apply to communist government but all revolutionary governments. After the American Revolution, our leaders were concerned about whether or not the country would survive after the fire of the revolution died out. Communism in Russia was mainly the cause of V.I. Lenin. After studying the theories of Karl Marx, Lenin created the party known as the Bolsheviks. He was known as a hardliner and relentless at seizing power ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 39

Essay Example That information should be made public so that future generations would not have a misconception of what truly happened. In tours, it has been said that the killings happened non-stop. Then according to Dr. Franciscek Piper, it was the delousing happened day and night while the â€Å"killings† happened 20 to 30 minutes during 24 hours. Exaggerations are being given to facts. For what reason? Just the thought of innocent people being killed is enough to get sympathy from generations. There is no need for false information to gain compassion about what have transpired. All that the public needs is the truth. Figures may not be exact and just estimations, which would be completely fine as long as estimations would not be sensationalized. Based on the video which had been the focus and the main reference of the paper, right and truthful facts are of utmost importance specifically in facing issues such as the Holocaust which had affected the lives of a whole

Saturday, November 2, 2019

HR Finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HR Finance - Assignment Example The hospital requires ensuring that it operates under a budget in order to meet all the demands. It seeks to establish cheaper and effective actions for all renal vein cases. It can get a cost effective location and get a bigger space in order to accommodate the increasing number of patients with renal cases (Dunham-Taylor& Pinczuk, 2006, p.4). In this specific project, the community will incur lower IOP appointment with opticians below â‚ ¤17 and less OCT accredited assessment below â‚ ¤38. Additionally, budgeting for this hospital is essential in order to improve the quality of services offered at the hospital. In most cases, patients are willing to pay higher fees for good qualities. The hospital can hire more professionals in an attempt to increase the profit margin, which will enhance growth. The increased number of renal patients requires to be addressed since it is a challenge to the society. Additionally, an OCT machine is expensive for the hospital to purchase; therefo re, it can be obtained through hire purchase form the manufacturing company. This machine will enable the increased number of patients to be attended perfectly within the shortest time possible. This machine will be highly profitable to the hospital since it will ensure that all patients that visit are treated and all necessary tests carried